Acupuncture can ease Shoulder and Neck Tension
Acupuncture is a great tool along with a lot of different modalities for easing musculo-skeletal pain in the upper body.
*Acupuncture itself helps to release local Qi (energy) and blood stagnation which can manifest as neck rigidity and tension, compromising movement.
*Cupping techniques allow for more oxygen to flow through the area and improve circulation of the tissues to release tension.
*Moxabustion aids by warming the needle and bringing more energy into the tissues to also help release tight muscles.
*"Tuina" is a form of massage that manipulates soft tissue in the area, increasing blood flow, easing tension and allowing for more movement.
All of these techniques help ease pain and also work as a preventative measure, especially when used in combination with regular stretching, breathing techniques and exercise.
Contact your Registered Acupuncturist to help ease neck soreness and muscle tension.
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