
Showing posts from 2015

5 Acupuncture tips for Spring

Spring! Such an amazing time of year for shaking off winter's slumber and looking forward to a new season of growth and expansion. Days start to get longer and warmer, new buds and blooms burst forth into the world, one can not help feel a renewed energy! In Chinese Medicine, the Liver is the organ system associated with Spring. When this energy is unbalanced you can experience symptoms such as: allergies, headaches/migraines, eye issues, irritability, digestive problems, etc... so you want to be kind to your liver with a few healthy tips. 1) DECLUTTER!- get your spring clean on- open the windows and clean out that closet- figuratively and physically! 2) MOVE! - a time to take advantage of the sun and Vitamin D. Get outside and get moving. Nothing better to get that stagnated liver energy moving than vigorous exercise! 3) EAT your GREENS ! The liver works to detoxify the body and works really well with incorporating pungent flavoured greens into one's diet. This inc...

Gong Hay Fat Choy!

Gong Hay Fat Choy everyone! Welcome the year of the Sheep!

What is Cupping? And why do I use it ALL the time?

Cupping is a healing modality that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. It is a Chinese massage or  tuina technique that is frequently used during an acupuncture treatment. The mechanism behind cupping involves creating a deep suction effect with the skin and the underlying tissues. Usually, this involves dipping a cotton ball in 90% proof alcohol, lighting the cotton ball on fire and sticking this in the cup to rob the cup of any oxygen. This is then placed immediately on the skin to create the suction. Cups are typically left on the skin for 10 minutes. Placing cups on the skin and removing right away and repeating this is known as ' Flash ' cupping. Applying a lotion or cream base prior to cupping and moving on the skin is known as 'Slide' cupping. The suction and pressure of the cups is excellent to help: -relieve musculoskeletal pain -relieve tension headaches & migraines -improve immune function- flush out cough & colds faster -re...

Stay Healthy this Winter with 5 Easy Tips!

Winter tends to be the time for cold and flu season. With colder temperatures and more rain-- our bodies are more susceptible to lingering pathogens, compounded by busy holiday schedules, unhealthy habits and stress, that can make your body feel worse. Try the following tips for a healthier holiday season and find more time and energy to spend with family and friends instead of sick in bed! 1. Avoid colds and flus by washing hands thoroughly. This alone will combat so many viruses and prevent transmission of unwanted germs. 2. Drink plenty of fluids--  Ginger root tea  helps to warm the body and flush out toxins. Grate a thumb's size amount of ginger into 2 cups of boiling water and drink. Not only will this help with colds and flu, it's also great to help nausea. 3. Get plenty of sleep -- adequate and undisturbed rest will help promote a healthy immune system, and help fight off lingering pathogens that much faster. 4. Practice healthy stress prevention techniqu...