5 Acupuncture tips for Spring


Such an amazing time of year for shaking off winter's slumber and looking forward to a new season of growth and expansion. Days start to get longer and warmer, new buds and blooms burst forth into the world, one can not help feel a renewed energy!
In Chinese Medicine, the Liver is the organ system associated with Spring. When this energy is unbalanced you can experience symptoms such as: allergies, headaches/migraines, eye issues, irritability, digestive problems, etc... so you want to be kind to your liver with a few healthy tips.

1) DECLUTTER!- get your spring clean on- open the windows and clean out that closet- figuratively and physically!

2) MOVE! - a time to take advantage of the sun and Vitamin D. Get outside and get moving. Nothing better to get that stagnated liver energy moving than vigorous exercise!

3) EAT your GREENS! The liver works to detoxify the body and works really well with incorporating pungent flavoured greens into one's diet. This includes; chives, mustard greens, kale, chard. Lightly steamed with a bit of fried garlic tastes so yummy!

4) Drink LESS-alcohol and MORE water- holidays are over, give your liver a break!

5) Get ACUPUNCTURE! - help your body with the changing of the seasons with an acupuncture treatment. This will help to clean out the cobwebs, get your energy moving and support the liver to do what it needs to do.

Book an appointment with a Registered Acupuncturist today!


  1. Acupuncture needles are usually left in for approximately twenty minutes, during this time there may be a heaviness of the limbs and a feeling of relaxation. The acupuncture-mississauga practitioner may also stimulate the acupuncture points using some other methods too.


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